Mortgage Renewals and Transfers

Let us take the hassle out of your mortgage renewal and transfer. We’ll crunch those numbers to get you the best rate possible!

Your mortgage term is coming to an end, and that means it’s time for you to consider your options. Don’t lock into a deal before taking the chance to check out other offers – we can help! In just 4 months’ time – 120 days! – your current plan will be up for renewal. You could potentially be saving yourself thousands by exploring different products or lenders, so why not have us take a look around? Make sure you’re getting the best possible deal at this important stage in home-ownership – click here now and start shopping around with our experts today.

You deserve a BETTER rate.

Are you feeling the rate remorse? Our experts at Prime Mortgage Works are ready to help. We’ll put in all the hard work so that you don’t have to — and we won’t rest until we secure a better mortgage for your new term. From checking with multiple lenders (including yours!) to offering discounts based on our high volume of business, every measure is taken for maximum savings without compromising quality advice from unbiased brokers – ’cause mortgages is what they do best! Let’s start working it today!

Our advice is free, let’s review your renewal details to make your decision easier.

Is your mortgage up for renewal soon? Don’t stress – we’re here to help! Get in touch with us today, and we’ll give you a friendly reminder about 120 days before it’s time. Then just apply online or get in contact when the day comes around; there may be extra paper work involved plus pre-payment penalties which could surprise you if not taken into account. We understand that making changes can often seem daunting but want to make sure everything is as effortless and straightforward as leaving us taking care of things offscreen too!

Don’t wait for your current lender to call.

Your mortgage term may be coming up soon and time is of the essence! Don’t hesitate to approach your lender early on for their best offer. Even if they’ve already sent you a renewal, don’t settle until you have all the info necessary to make an informed decision – that’s where we come in. We’ll help arm you with the knowledge needed confront your lender and get them to give their absolute best rate or product possible; plus, we can even beat it sometimes too! With us at your side during this process – renewing or transferring doesn’t need be as stressful as usually seems.

Want to refinance BEFORE your maturity date?

Breaking your mortgage term might seem daunting, but if you’re seeing rates fluctuating drastically, it could be worth considering. At the very least we can crunch some numbers to see if breaking that term early and securing another full rate period would result in any savings. That way you won’t have to worry about waiting for renewal time – giving yourself a bit of peace-of-mind during these uncertain times and refinance today.

Schedule a call with us today.