
cash and check book

Top 4 Tips for Being Prepared to Buy

1. Here is 1 of the Top 4 Tips for Being Prepared to Buy. Strengthen your credit rating. It’s pretty simple: the higher your credit score, the lower your mortgage rate will be. Spend the time now to improve your credit. Check your credit report. Many credit reports have errors, so you need to ensure that your credit bureau is current and correct. Always pay every single one of your bills on time. Set up automatic payments if you have had any late payments over the last couple of years. Spend only 30% of credit limits on credit cards.

2. Find a Mortgage Broker and figure out how much you can afford to spend. The home buyer’s mantra: Get a home that’s financially comfortable. Get Pre-Approved sooner than later!

3. How much home do you need? Buying a cheaper, smaller home might sound like a good place to start, but could end up costing you more if you need to move due to changes in your lifestyle, including a growing family. Then again, buying more house than you currently need will cost you more with higher mortgage payments, higher maintenance, energy and tax costs. Prioritize your housing wish list. The 3 most important things to think about when buying are home are location, location, location.

4. Closing costs #4 of Top 4 Tips for Being Prepared to Buy. While you’re saving your down payment, you need to save for closing costs too. They’re typically 1.5% of the purchase price and due on the completion date. Transfer Tax, Legal Fees, Insurance and Home Inspection are all considered part of Closing Costs.